Generate colors for ComplexHeatmap for continuous variables
Generate colors for ComplexHeatmap for continuous variables
centered = TRUE,
palette = NULL,
rev = FALSE,
trim_values = NULL,
trim_prop = NULL,
trim_range = NULL,
ceiling = FALSE
- x
Vector or matrix of continuous values for which we want to specify colors.
- centered
Logical. Default value TRUE.
- palette
Vector of at least two colors used to create a color palette with 'colorRampPalette' or name of a RColorBrewer palette e.g. "Oranges", "Spectral".
x <- rnorm(20)
palette <- "Spectral"
format_colors_num(x, trim_values = 2.5)
#> function (x = NULL, return_rgb = FALSE, max_value = 1)
#> {
#> if (is.null(x)) {
#> stop_wrap("Please specify `x`\n")
#> }
#> att = attributes(x)
#> if (
#> x = as.matrix(x)
#> l_na =
#> if (all(l_na)) {
#> return(rep(NA, length(l_na)))
#> }
#> x2 = x[!l_na]
#> x2 = ifelse(x2 < breaks[1], breaks[1], ifelse(x2 > breaks[length(breaks)],
#> breaks[length(breaks)], x2))
#> ibin = .bincode(x2, breaks, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE)
#> res_col = character(length(x2))
#> for (i in unique(ibin)) {
#> l = ibin == i
#> res_col[l] = .get_color(x2[l], breaks[i], breaks[i +
#> 1], colors[i, ], colors[i + 1, ], space = space)
#> }
#> res_col = paste(res_col, transparency_str[1], sep = "")
#> if (return_rgb) {
#> res_col = t(col2rgb(as.vector(res_col), alpha = TRUE)/255)
#> return(res_col)
#> }
#> else {
#> res_col2 = character(length(x))
#> res_col2[l_na] = NA
#> res_col2[!l_na] = res_col
#> attributes(res_col2) = att
#> return(res_col2)
#> }
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7f7b06b4d7d8>
#> <environment: 0x7f7b06b3bdf0>
#> attr(,"breaks")
#> [1] -2.5000000 -2.2058824 -1.9117647 -1.6176471 -1.3235294 -1.0294118
#> [7] -0.7352941 -0.4411765 -0.1470588 0.1470588 0.4411765 0.7352941
#> [13] 1.0294118 1.3235294 1.6176471 1.9117647 2.2058824 2.5000000
#> attr(,"colors")
#> [1] "#08306BFF" "#08519CFF" "#2171B5FF" "#4292C6FF" "#6BAED6FF" "#9ECAE1FF"
#> [13] "#FDAE6BFF" "#FD8D3CFF" "#F16913FF" "#D94801FF" "#A63603FF" "#7F2704FF"
#> attr(,"transparency")
#> [1] 0
#> attr(,"space")
#> [1] "LAB"