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This function can be used if one is interested in effects of multiple covariates in a multivariate model.


  strata_vars = NULL,
  return_vars = NULL,
  keep_obs = TRUE,
  variable_names = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  force_empty_cols = FALSE,
  sr_times = NULL,
  print_nevent = TRUE,
  print_mst = TRUE,
  print_total = TRUE,
  print_pvalues = TRUE,
  print_adjpvalues = TRUE,
  print_hr = TRUE,
  print_sr_cis = FALSE

  strata_vars = NULL,
  return_vars = NULL,
  strat1_var = NULL,
  strat2_var = NULL,
  variable_names = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  force_empty_cols = FALSE,
  sr_times = NULL,
  print_nevent = TRUE,
  print_mst = TRUE,
  print_total = TRUE,
  print_pvalues = TRUE,
  print_adjpvalues = TRUE,
  print_hr = TRUE,
  print_sr_cis = FALSE



Data frame.


Name of the time-to-event variable. This variable must be numeric.


Name of the censor variable. It has to be numeric and encode 1 for event and 0 for censor.


Vector with names of covariates that are included in the formula of the simple additive model: `~ covariate_vars[1] + covariate_vars[2] + covariate_vars[3] + ....`


Vector with names of covariates that are used as strata.


Vector with names of covariates for which the statistics should be returned. If NULL, statistics are returned for all covariates.


Named vector with variable names. If not supplied, variable names are created by replacing in column names underscores with spaces.


Caption for the table with results.


Logical. Whether to display output columns which are all empty.


Vector of times used to compute survival rates, for example, percent of 3-year IDSF.


Logical. Whether to print numbers of events.


Logical. Whether to print median survival time (MST).


Logical. Whether to print total number of samples and total number of events.


Logical. Whether to print p-values.


Logical. Whether to print adjusted p-values.


Name of the first stratification variable used for splitting the data.


Name of the second stratification variable used for splitting the data.


If for a factor covariate that should be returned the reference level has zero count, results are set to NAs because this levels is not used as a reference which means that it is not possible to fit the model that we want.



data <- bdata
tte_var <- "PFS"
censor_var <- "PFS_Event"
covariate_vars <- c("Treatment_Arm", "GeneA", "IPI", "Cell_Of_Origin")

x <- wrapper_cox_regression_core_simple(data, tte_var = tte_var, censor_var = censor_var, covariate_vars = covariate_vars)
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded

#>         Covariate          Subgroup Total N Total Events   N     Events   MST
#> 1   Treatment Arm              CTRL     391          165 200 85 (42.5%)  83.0
#> 2                               TRT     391          165 191 80 (41.9%) 100.3
#> 3           GeneA                       391          165                     
#> 4             IPI               Low     391          165  78 25 (32.1%)    NA
#> 5                  Low-Intermediate     391          165 144 51 (35.4%)  92.0
#> 6                 High-Intermediate     391          165 103 49 (47.6%)  83.1
#> 7                              High     391          165  66 40 (60.6%)  63.6
#> 8  Cell Of Origin               GCB     391          165 218 80 (36.7%)    NA
#> 9                      UNCLASSIFIED     391          165  62 34 (54.8%)  80.4
#> 10                              ABC     391          165 111 51 (45.9%)  84.5
#>       MST 95% CI   HR     HR 95% CI    P-value Adj. P-value
#> 1    (80.3 - NA)                                           
#> 2    (84.6 - NA) 0.73 (0.53 - 0.99)   0.0444 *     0.0777 .
#> 3                1.03 (0.89 - 1.20)     0.6919       0.6919
#> 4    (99.9 - NA)                                           
#> 5    (84.5 - NA) 1.17 (0.72 - 1.91)     0.5157       0.6017
#> 6    (63.4 - NA) 1.79 (1.10 - 2.93)   0.0202 *     0.0500 *
#> 7  (27.3 - 82.2) 2.70 (1.62 - 4.51) 0.0001 ***   0.0010 ***
#> 8    (87.1 - NA)                                           
#> 9  (57.6 - 88.7) 1.62 (1.07 - 2.44)   0.0214 *     0.0500 *
#> 10   (74.7 - NA) 1.23 (0.86 - 1.75)     0.2659       0.3723


### Fit a stratified model 

covariate_vars <- c("Treatment_Arm", "GeneA")
strata_vars <- c("IPI", "Cell_Of_Origin")

x <- wrapper_cox_regression_core_simple(data, tte_var = tte_var, censor_var = censor_var, covariate_vars = covariate_vars, strata_vars = strata_vars)
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded

#>       Covariate Subgroup Total N Total Events   N     Events   MST  MST 95% CI
#> 1 Treatment Arm     CTRL     391          165 200 85 (42.5%)  83.0 (80.3 - NA)
#> 2                    TRT     391          165 191 80 (41.9%) 100.3 (84.6 - NA)
#> 3         GeneA              391          165                                 
#>     HR     HR 95% CI  P-value Adj. P-value
#> 1                                         
#> 2 0.74 (0.54 - 1.01) 0.0555 .       0.1110
#> 3 0.99 (0.85 - 1.16)   0.9334       0.9334


data <- bdata
tte_var <- "PFS"
censor_var <- "PFS_Event"
covariate_vars <- c("IPI", "GeneA")

strat1_var = "Cell_Of_Origin"
strat2_var = "Treatment_Arm"

x <- wrapper_cox_regression_core_simple_strat(data, tte_var = tte_var, censor_var = censor_var, covariate_vars = covariate_vars, strat1_var = strat1_var, strat2_var = strat2_var)
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
#> Warning: row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded

#>    Treatment Arm Cell Of Origin Covariate          Subgroup Total N
#> 1           CTRL            GCB       IPI               Low     121
#> 2                                          Low-Intermediate     121
#> 3                                         High-Intermediate     121
#> 4                                                      High     121
#> 5           CTRL            GCB     GeneA                       121
#> 6           CTRL   UNCLASSIFIED       IPI               Low      28
#> 7                                          Low-Intermediate      28
#> 8                                         High-Intermediate      28
#> 9                                                      High      28
#> 10          CTRL   UNCLASSIFIED     GeneA                        28
#> 11          CTRL            ABC       IPI               Low      51
#> 12                                         Low-Intermediate      51
#> 13                                        High-Intermediate      51
#> 14                                                     High      51
#> 15          CTRL            ABC     GeneA                        51
#> 16           TRT            GCB       IPI               Low      97
#> 17                                         Low-Intermediate      97
#> 18                                        High-Intermediate      97
#> 19                                                     High      97
#> 20           TRT            GCB     GeneA                        97
#> 21           TRT   UNCLASSIFIED       IPI               Low      34
#> 22                                         Low-Intermediate      34
#> 23                                        High-Intermediate      34
#> 24                                                     High      34
#> 25           TRT   UNCLASSIFIED     GeneA                        34
#> 26           TRT            ABC       IPI               Low      60
#> 27                                         Low-Intermediate      60
#> 28                                        High-Intermediate      60
#> 29                                                     High      60
#> 30           TRT            ABC     GeneA                        60
#>    Total Events  N     Events   MST  MST 95% CI    HR       HR 95% CI   P-value
#> 1            50 32 12 (37.5%)    NA (76.9 - NA)                                
#> 2            50 44 14 (31.8%)    NA (78.3 - NA)  0.97   (0.45 - 2.11)    0.9439
#> 3            50 32 17 (53.1%)  65.7 (36.5 - NA)  2.22   (1.05 - 4.70)  0.0374 *
#> 4            50 13  7 (53.8%)  98.3 (19.6 - NA)  1.89   (0.74 - 4.82)    0.1860
#> 5            50                                  0.99   (0.73 - 1.34)    0.9417
#> 6            14  7  3 (42.9%)    NA (32.1 - NA)                                
#> 7            14 10  6 (60.0%)  80.4 (15.1 - NA)  1.65   (0.37 - 7.43)    0.5120
#> 8            14  7  3 (42.9%)    NA  (1.6 - NA)  1.29   (0.25 - 6.61)    0.7592
#> 9            14  4  2 (50.0%)  28.8 (13.7 - NA)  1.74  (0.28 - 10.74)    0.5528
#> 10           14                                  0.93   (0.59 - 1.45)    0.7359
#> 11           21  5  2 (40.0%)    NA  (4.0 - NA)                                
#> 12           21 17  3 (17.6%)    NA (83.0 - NA)  0.23   (0.03 - 1.53)    0.1271
#> 13           21 18  9 (50.0%)  82.6 (33.3 - NA)  0.91   (0.18 - 4.62)    0.9130
#> 14           21 11  7 (63.6%)  23.4  (9.9 - NA)  2.91  (0.59 - 14.20)    0.1874
#> 15           21                                  1.68   (1.01 - 2.79)  0.0463 *
#> 16           30 23  3 (13.0%)    NA          NA                                
#> 17           30 36  9 (25.0%)    NA (91.0 - NA)  2.19   (0.59 - 8.13)    0.2396
#> 18           30 20  7 (35.0%) 100.3 (72.4 - NA)  3.06  (0.79 - 11.86)    0.1065
#> 19           30 18 11 (61.1%)  75.5 (27.3 - NA)  6.13  (1.70 - 22.09) 0.0055 **
#> 20           30                                  1.08   (0.71 - 1.64)    0.7348
#> 21           20  5  1 (20.0%)    NA (31.9 - NA)                                
#> 22           20 14  8 (57.1%)  82.1 (31.2 - NA)  3.53  (0.44 - 28.27)    0.2346
#> 23           20 10  6 (60.0%)  72.7 (48.8 - NA)  4.07  (0.49 - 34.00)    0.1954
#> 24           20  5 5 (100.0%)  21.9  (8.9 - NA) 10.54 (1.07 - 103.38)  0.0433 *
#> 25           20                                  1.02   (0.67 - 1.54)    0.9268
#> 26           30  6  4 (66.7%)  76.1 (33.6 - NA)                                
#> 27           30 23 11 (47.8%)  84.5 (74.7 - NA)  0.70   (0.22 - 2.20)    0.5411
#> 28           30 16  7 (43.8%)    NA (40.7 - NA)  0.63   (0.18 - 2.15)    0.4583
#> 29           30 15  8 (53.3%)  67.6 (15.9 - NA)  1.03   (0.31 - 3.42)    0.9676
#> 30           30                                  0.81   (0.53 - 1.25)    0.3499
#>    Adj. P-value
#> 1              
#> 2        0.9676
#> 3        0.2777
#> 4        0.5209
#> 5        0.9676
#> 6              
#> 7        0.8292
#> 8        0.9590
#> 9        0.8292
#> 10       0.9590
#> 11             
#> 12       0.5085
#> 13       0.9676
#> 14       0.5209
#> 15       0.2777
#> 16             
#> 17       0.5229
#> 18       0.5085
#> 19       0.1328
#> 20       0.9590
#> 21             
#> 22       0.5229
#> 23       0.5209
#> 24       0.2777
#> 25       0.9676
#> 26             
#> 27       0.8292
#> 28       0.8292
#> 29       0.9676
#> 30       0.6999